by meep
RIP, Justice Scalia. I got to meet him once when I was a kid, and didn’t appreciate it. Pity. Young me was so damn foolish.
One of the things I shared with Scalia (other the generic ones of being conservative and Roman Catholic) was a love of...
by meep
In a prior post, I linked to a video of my favorite moment in Don Giovanni, when the Don is dragged to hell by the statue of the Commendatore.
Well, I found this great resource of live (and recorded) classical music performances,, and...
by meep
While opera fanaticism is relatively new for me, I definitely enjoyed opera for years, though I didn’t understand a lot of it. I got super-cheap tickets via NYU when I was a grad student. I always looked for the shows that other students weren’t all that into.
My favorite,...
by meep
Back to fun opera for a Sunday (which is outside Lent… just wait til we get to Easter!)
I saw this article recently about bringing opera to kids in England, and there’s a lot in there that I agree with.
The danger is that the whole business of opera in schools...
by meep
I already showed you a Mozartian trio with Don Giovanni being dragged to hell (though it’s more of a duet than trio), but you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Most of Mozart’s best ensembles are comic, so I’m saving those for Sundays and the Easter...
by meep
As Sundays are not part of Lent, I figure I can put in non-lamentable music up today.
So here’s one of the prettiest arias in opera, sung by a woman playing a teenaged boy.
Italian Lyrics
Voi che sapete che cosa e amor,
Donne, vedete, s’io l’ho...
by meep
How about a little more Mozart? Come on, twist my arm. I picked this one because the words & translation are on there the entire time. But for convenience,by meep
The most thrilling moment in opera (and a chance for me to try out video embedding.)
Don Juan (aka Don Giovanni) getting dragged to hell after the memorial statue of the man he killed gives him one last chance to repent:
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