STUMP » Articles » Crass Consumerism: Amazon Prime Plug » 24 January 2015, 08:23

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Crass Consumerism: Amazon Prime Plug  


24 January 2015, 08:23

It’s a frickin Winter Wonderland outside, so I’m ensconced on the couch with my devices and coffee and see that there are various discounts on Amazon today (partly in promoting their award-winning show Transparent [HD], but mainly promoting Amazon Prime).

We’ve been using Amazon Prime for a couple years now, and I love it. I originally got it because I had won a Kindle Fire and it came with a free month of Amazon Prime. I immediately started using it for the free shipping — I’ve been buying books off Amazon since 1997.

I’m a book junkie. I admit it.

Join Amazon Prime – Listen to Over a Million Songs – Start Free Trial Now

Since starting it, I’ve gotten their free streaming video and music, and I’ve been loving it. The amount and quality of the “free” stuff has really expanded, though they can also be sneaky about giving you “a taste” of a show to get you to pay for the entire series. Or they have shows free for a limited time and then they charge you. So be warned.

I’ve got several promos from Amazon itself:

Join Amazon Prime – Listen to Over a Million Songs – Start Free Trial Now

Shop Amazon – Give the Gift of Amazon Prime

Join Amazon Prime – Watch Over 40,000 Movies & TV Shows Anytime – Start Free Trial Now

I’m not quite sure the differences, but you can check them out. Today’s discount is for new subscribers, not old ones like me, so I don’t know what you’ll see when you click on those promos.

To give you an idea of what we watch on Amazon Prime (you’ll note it’s heavy on kid fare – great kiddie selection):

Veggie Tales on Amazon Prime Video

The Electric Company — both New and Old (from my childhood)

Justified on Amazon Prime

Falling Skies on Amazon Prime

Star Trek Original (Remastered) Season 1

Much Ado About Nothing (Joss Whedon version)

Kit Kittredge: An American Girl

Saints and Soldiers

Opera digital music on Prime

…as you can see, we use Prime a lot.

Anyway, crass commercialism! You get a lot of different things from Amazon Prime (and they recently added space to save your photos, but I’m meh on that. Not only do we own our own website, we have cloud space in various places for free) … and you get random free stuff from time to time.

I always like getting surprised by free stuff.

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