by meep
I think I need to sue Cook County politicians for getting me hooked on this junk.
Chicago-area soda tax may carry political price for backers
When a local government leader passed the deciding vote on a penny-per-ounce soda tax, she said it would generate enough money to balance the county budget while making people in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs healthier.
But so far, the tax seems mostly to have created problems for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, who until recently was so popular many considered her the only possible candidate who could unseat Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
Opponents have filed lawsuits, a federal agency warned Illinois could lose millions in funding for food stamp benefits and store owners have complained of plummeting sales. There are signs angry residents could hold it against Preckwinkle and other pro-tax commissioners seeking re-election next year.
“It feels like every time you turn around they have their hand in your pocket,” said Jim Taylor of Chicago, who paid $2.56 in new taxes for two 128-ounce plastic jugs of diet iced tea at a grocery store west of the city. “It’s ridiculous. They should all go.”
Now billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who tried unsuccessfully to ban giant sodas as mayor of New York, is trying to sway public opinion in Preckwinkle’s favor. His super PAC started running TV and radio ads defending the tax as a way to reduce an “epidemic” of childhood obesity and other health conditions.
Cook County’s soda tax is a government failure at every level
It’s an unfortunate truth that many government bodies are poor architects when it comes to designing and executing new laws and policies. But few botched government initiatives can compare with the Cook County soda tax.
With the vow of making residents healthier while bringing in much-needed revenue to the cash-strapped county, Cook County’s soda tax specifies sugary drinks that it taxes at a penny an ounce.
But despite soda-haters’ and politicians’ high hopes, the tax jeopardized millions in federal food stamp aid dollars to the state, has resulted in multiple lawsuits against the county itself and private retail chains, and has caused a PR nightmare for the county that sold the tax as a health initiative but was later forced to admit it as a poorly designed tax grab.
How not to write a taxThe Cook County soda tax adds a penny an ounce for the “retail sale of all sweetened beverages in Cook County.” Seems simple enough, right?
But when the Illinois Retail Merchants Association (IRMA) filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Cook County’s soda tax, one of their main arguments was that it was so poorly written that it was hard for retail stores and customers to know what was taxed and how any problems or potential refunds of the tax would be settled.
The tax has myriad exclusions, including:
100% natural fruit/vegetable juice, syrup and powder with no added sweetener
Milk, soy, rice or similar milk substitutes that are the primary ingredient (more than 50%)
Unsweetened drinks to which a purchaser can add, or can request that a retailer add, sugar, at the point of sale
Infant formula
Beverages for medical use
Weight reduction/therapeutic nutritional meal replacements
Any syrup or powder that the consumer himself or herself combines with other ingredients to create a beverageAlso, some drinks that are made by a bartender or coffee barista are exempt from the tax while the same drink would be taxed if bought in a bottle or can. Starbucks Frappuccino in a bottle = taxed, Starbucks Frappuccino made by a barista = not taxed. Having so many exemptions and caveats to what is taxed and what is exempt has become a nightmare for restaurants and retail stores.
I’m sure it made sense to somebody, somehow.
I went to Burger King for lunch today, and as per usual, I got a non-sweetened drink — Dasani Sparkling (unflavored). I like bubble water, but I don’t like drinking sugar.
I got it from one of those new-fangled soda machines that has dozens of syrups to choose among. Huge selection of zero sugar/zero calorie drinks. Huge selection of regular soda, too.
Would I have been charged the tax just because my water had bubbles in it?
It’s my favorite twitter.
Everybody still has to eat, particularly in Cook County with the soda tax, you need to save where you can.
— Paul Greaves (@greavespg) August 28, 2017
Soda tax doesn't apply to EBT card/link card aka government assistance.
ToniPreckwinkle</a> don't care about poor kids<a href=""></a></p>— Chicago's Finest (
ChicagosFines19) August 28, 2017
Taxation is Theft
— Scott Davis (@ScottDavis44th) August 23, 2017
Taxing Food is Evil
Don't vote for Taxwinkle
Don't Vote for Evil
Do-over on Cook County's soda tax
Official who cast deciding vote on penny-per-ounce soda tax in Chicago area could face backlash from angry voters.
— AP Central U.S. (@APCentralRegion) August 26, 2017
Remember who approved the Cook County soda tax? Chicago Tribune seems the common refrain from outraged citizens
— Sean M. Morrison (@SeanMMorrison) August 28, 2017
Don't fall for it! #BigSoda is stirring #sodatax opposition in CHI to steal ALL community control via preemption.
— Ninjas for Health (@ninjasforhealth) August 27, 2017
Dear Cook County these "The Soda tax will save you" commercials are the worst idea you have had since raising sales tax over 10%
— Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) August 27, 2017
Me: goes to mcdonalds to avoid soda tax on pre-bottled drinks
— matthew henderson (@ThewHenderson) August 26, 2017
Me: is charged extra tax for soda
Me: is now a republican
I guess that answers my question.
With Chicago soda tax, water tax, highest cigarette & gas prices in the country its getting real expensive for a city w a lot of poor people
— Alexa Leon (@alexa0leon) August 25, 2017
More case for #sodatax #ssb
— Dr Kevin Lee (@dr_kevinlee) August 19, 2017
Well, it’s reducing purchasing soda in Cook County, that’s for sure.
Not to mention that reduced health spending due to lower soda consumption countervails loss of soda tax revenue.
— Robert Greer (@robertagreer) August 19, 2017
Again, assuming that people actually drink less. And that that will have any effect on health.
What happens when the Cook County #SodaTax meets #BYOCupDay? I get to write a post! (Also, I get a
slurpee</a>.) <a href=""></a></p>— Sam Brunson (
smbrnsn) August 19, 2017
Soda tax sweetens union perks. Paid roll call, unltd personal time, $1200/person bonus, and more. #NotAboutObesity
— Jim (@sillemij) August 29, 2017
Mmmm, get it while the getting’s good.
The oppressive soda tax keeps me away from phila.
— garynau (@GaryNau) August 29, 2017
The bottle deposit IS a soda tax that already targets the poor; shut the fuck up and FIX THE ROADS
— Chesterville (@sarcasmosis) August 28, 2017
Portland, eh?
I assume the one in Oregon and not the one in Maine… or whereever.
Are they also going to audit the rest of the soda tax money to make sure it is being used as sad
— Michael Salvadore Jr (@MikeSal1) August 28, 2017
— M.C. RUDE (@MCRUDE666) August 28, 2017
2chainz</a> look at the TAXES I pay on a 99 cent SODA here in Chicago due to the <a href="">#VileWench</a> <a href="">
ToniPreckwinkle and her SODA TAX. That's absurd!!!
Hey Preckwinkle et. al. Just keep holding out. I’m sure it’s just BIG SODA faking discontent. The peoples totally love the soda tax!
So after the bag tax and soda tax… what's next #Chicago ?
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