Taxing Tuesday: Don't Worry, Soda Tax Retrospective!
by meep
Oh, IRS, you so silly.
IRS quietly deletes guideline that Fortnite virtual currency must be reported on tax returns
Before I quote the piece, [or even read it], I will guess that this idiocy probably came out of Bitcoin issues. So let’s see if I was correct:
For months leading up to this tax season, a section of the IRS’s website advised players of Fortnite, the popular online video game, that their use of in-game virtual currency could be subject to federal taxes.
The little-noticed provision, which dated back at least to October according to the cached version of an IRS webpage on, appeared to mark the first time the agency has ruled on video game currencies, including Fortnite’s V-bucks, purchased with real dollars. By applying the same policy to in-game money that it enforces on bitcoin, ether and other cryptocurrencies, the IRS guide seemed poised to affect millions of gamers — or their parents.
Okay, that was an easy guess. I knew this didn’t come from something completely idiotic to begin with. As much as one likes to joke about the IRS, they’ve actually got a bunch of really knowledgeable people working on policy issues.
[I don’t want to get into the exact details, but I recall arguing with people re: an insurance reserving change, and I said it absolutely did not conform with IRC definitions of tax reserves, and made the argument that, months later, the IRS folks made. “They’re not gonna take CTE 70! CTE 0, perhaps!” … which is exactly what they said. They know what they’re talking about.]
So, it’s not surprising to me that they’ve also backed down re: in-game money [unless you actually cash it out in some manner, in which case yes, it’s income. You have to report it.]
Oh, and I got a notice from NY yesterday that they accepted my return.
— Mary Pat Campbell (@meepbobeep) February 13, 2020
Both CT & Fed accepted it the day I filed it. (Saturday)
Just checking right now — neither the NY nor federal returns are back yet. But then, CT was the largest of the refunds.
Last Friday, I did a little tweetstorm revisiting my posts on the soda tax, which, incidently, sprouted Taxing Tuesday later.
Before there was Taxing Tuesday on STUMP there was Soda Tax Stupidity!
— Mary Pat Campbell (@meepbobeep) February 14, 2020
Here is the first appearance of the Cook County soda tax on the blog: 25 July 2017
"Since this is Illinois, they couldn’t pass a simple soda tax without screwing it all up"
And it ends here:
from July 25 to Oct 16, 2017 I got 22 posts out of the Cook County soda tax
— Mary Pat Campbell (@meepbobeep) February 14, 2020
That's pretty good blog-fodder.
It was something so politically stupid that even Illinois Democrats had to wake up and kill it.
RIP, Cook County soda tax. You were good to me.
For convenience, you can read the whole thread at Thread Reader App.
And who knows, with Mike Bloomberg in the race, perhaps we’ll get RETURN OF SODA TAX?
— Mary Pat Campbell (@meepbobeep) February 14, 2020
Eric Allie cartoon from October 2017.
The soda tax would be dead by December 2017
- Wirepoints: Who wants to be a “millionaire” in Illinois? – Wirepoints Original… on a proposed millionaire tax
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myjam - Bloomberg proposes financial transaction tax – go away, mini-Mike
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[sipping my hard cider]
Joe Biden would reinstate Obamacare’s individual mandate tax, which hits poor & middle-income Americans the hardest.
— Trump War Room – Text WOKE to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) February 19, 2020
President Trump showed compassion by ending this unfair tax of hundreds of dollars on people who couldn’t afford to buy health
We’re not going to beat Donald Trump with plans that raise middle class taxes and take away your choice.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) February 18, 2020
Pete's "For All Who Want It" plan would force those who can't afford healthcare to pay a $7000 tax at the end of the year.
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) February 18, 2020
All that, and you don't even get free-at-point-of-service coverage out of it.
Some choice. #MedicareForAll #PetesMandate
Two-fifths of multinational profits pass through tax havens. Australia should be taking the lead globally in shutting down dodgy tax practices #auspol #ausecon
NassimKhadem</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Andrew Leigh (
ALeighMP) February 18, 2020
The more money you make the more taxes you owe
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