STUMP Podcast: Interest Rates and Sumo
by meep
First, thanks to FRED, Japan’s 10-year government bond yields versus U.S. 10-year Treasury bond yields.
Ugh. Yeah, you can see those negative interest rates in Japan. For 10-year government bonds.
Natto Sumo YouTube Channel – main way I watch the bouts.
Video of one day of matches:
[sorry, his videos have been yanked]
NHK World — one of their Sumopedia videos, on gold star victories
Two Facebook groups on Sumo:
SumoSumoSumo (very active, and my fave sumo group) and
NHK World’s Grand Sumo group (not very active, but official).
Hakke yoi!
Photo by Alessio Roversi on Unsplash
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