STUMP » Articles » Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 6: Heart Disease and Cancer » 5 May 2023, 19:03

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Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 6: Heart Disease and Cancer  


5 May 2023, 19:03

These are the top 2 causes of death in the U.S., and they took two different routes through the pandemic


Heart Disease and Cancer are the top two causes of death in the U.S. — they were before the pandemic, and during the pandemic. In this video, I look at the shape of mortality by age group for 2018-2022, and how the death rates changed for each group relative to 2019.

The death rates changed a great deal for heart disease and not so much for cancer.

Prior videos:

Part 1: Video: U.S. Mortality Through the Pandemic, All Causes and by Age Group, Provisional through 2022

Part 2: Video: U.S. Mortality Through the Pandemic, part 2 — Differences by State

Part 3: Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 3: Major Categories of Death

Part 4: Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 4: COVID

Part 5: Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 5: Historical trajectories for Causes of Death 1999-2022

Graphs from the video

00:13 Reminder of the long-term trends

02:36 Heart disease death rates by age group 2018-2022

04:16 Change in heart disease death rates 2019-2022

10:52 Cancer death rates by age group 2018-2022

12:31 Change in cancer death rates 2019-2022

Slides and Spreadsheets

Go to the substack post to download files

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