Memento Mori, or, Happy Birthday to Me
by meep
I do not have the energy to deal with Chicago, Puerto Rico, Illinois, New York, elections, etc. right now.
I really do not want to comment on the fake hippie holiday taking over my birthday.
I’m just plain pooped.
My only comment specifically about Prince’s death is I already told you that this would be happening.
And yes, while it may seem a bit shocking of a death from flu (which was the last cause I heard about), flu/pneumonia is one of the top causes of death in the U.S. Yes, it’s mainly old folks dying from flu, but not only them.
I would rather think about Prince’s life, and particularly, his performances. While Prince videos are hard to come by online (just like Disney and the Simpsons, all for similar reasons), there are a few live performance videos available.
My fave is the supergroup Prince was part of to cover “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” in 2004:
Prince’s solo starts at 3:27 and it is AWESOME.
Here is Prince playing the 2007 Super Bowl halftime show:
I wish they would get rid of the commentary bits.
I think it’s over now, but Prince’s death got MTC to actually play music videos again. For a while. Truly an Earth Day miracle.
Just a couple things I like, on my birthday.
Irregular Webcomic! is doing a Kickstarter campaign. I backed the campaign, but it’s not fully funded yet… please get funded….
Another webcomic I like is Order of the Stick. He did a kickstarter a very long time ago, and I’ve gotten most of what I wanted out of that.
Here’s a picture of a crazy multirainbow:
Here’s my fave facebook community Otter News.
Here, have a dancing otter:
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