Judgment in Moscow by Vladimir Bukovsky: Now Released!
by meep
It’s May 14, which means Vladimir Bukovsky’s Judgment in Moscow is available! That link goes to the kindle version, and there’s also a paperback version available. A hardcover version should become available shortly.
I wrote about the book two months ago, and since then there have been more reviews of the book.
Here are some of the blurbs for the book:
“Russian interference in American politics didn’t start in 2016, but stretches back decades. Vladimir Bukovsky uses the Kremlin’s own documents to show this and much more: how the Soviet Union provided a false face to the world and how Soviet leaders used Western leaders as dupes or willing actors. Judgment in Moscow provides the written Nuremberg trial the Soviets never got when the USSR fell.”
– Anne Applebaum, Author of Gulag: A History (Pulitzer Prize), Washington Post columnist, and visiting Professor of Practice at the London School of Economics
“Judgment in Moscow is an essential warning of the dangers of collaborating with authoritarian regimes.
It’s also a timeless reminder that evil doesn’t die, but must be battled back constantly. The crimes of the Soviet Union were enabled by appeasement and rationalization by politicians in the free world who ignored that the lesser evil is still evil. Today we are witnessing a similar plunge into the depths of moral equivalence and convenient deals with dictatorships. As Bukovsky writes in Judgment in Moscow, using a word much in vogue today, ‘any sane person knows full well when he has entered into collusion with evil.’
“Vladimir Bukovsky’s moral compass has never failed, always pointing at the truth regardless of the circumstances or consequences. No one has written with greater clarity on why engagement between the free world and despots spreads corruption, not freedom. He writes, ‘The voice of conscience whispers that our fall began from the moment we agreed to “peaceful coexistence” with evil.’ We have fallen far indeed, and Judgment in Moscow holds the mirror of history up to politicians today proclaiming the need to find common ground with a dictator like Vladimir Putin.”
— Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion and author of Winter is Coming
“The most important work to appear for decades on the Soviet empire and its aftermath.”
— Edward Lucas, former Economist editor, from the introduction
“Russian interference in Western politics has been in the news of late,
but Bukovsky’s deep dive into Soviet-era documents demonstrates
that for much of the 20th century it was not paranoid fantasy, but cold, hard fact.”
— Glenn Harlan Reynolds, Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Tennessee and author of An Army of Davids
“A massive and major contribution… highly valuable material.”
— Robert Conquest, author of The Great Terror and Harvest of Sorrow
“At last, a book in the West that describes the Red Empire as seen by we who had to live under it.”
— Mart Laar, former Prime Minister of Estonia and recipient of the Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom
“If you seek to understand why we now face a renewed Cold War, one even more dangerous than the first, this is the first book you must read. If you seek to understand Russia’s interference in electoral democracies throughout the free world, this too is the first book you must read. But above all, if you seek to understand why you never even heard about this book—published in nine languages, an international bestseller—this is the book you must read.”
— Claire Berlinski, contributing editor of City Journal and author of Menace in Europe: Why the Continent’s Crisis Is America’s, Too
American Thinker: Stolen Archives Show the True History of Russia Collusion
Numerous examples are provided in a soon to be released book, Judgment in Moscow, by the heroic Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky. He makes use of extensive first hand documents that he personally stole from Russia’s Central Committee (C.C.) archives, which have never before been accessible to Americans.
The media must be tripping over themselves to see what Bukovsky reveals…right?
Well, not so much. Because the C.C. documents demonstrate, irrefutably, that the American Establishment was the one willingly and repeatedly colluding with Russia — an inconvenient fact.
This is history that the mainstream media don’t want Americans to know. Bukovsky’s book was actually first published over two decades ago in many languages and countries. But not in America.
The true history of collusion explored in Judgment in Moscow will be accessible only due to the efforts of a tiny independent publisher, Ninth of November, who wanted to get the truth out.The stolen documents tell the story. For instance, to cite just one of the many examples, there was collusion between America’s ABC and Russia’s C.C. A 1966 secret C.C. document explained:
‘The Novosti Press Agency has received a request from representatives of the American television company ABC concerning the creation of a joint special television report on the life of a worker’s family from the ‘Rostselmash’ factory in Rostov-on-Don. The film will show various aspects of the life of a working-class family, and the family will be used to illustrate the achievements of the Soviet government over the past 50 years.’
Russia’s C.C. concluded this was a good project to go ahead with.
The entities who tried to dupe us into thinking Trump is a Russian agent were the very same ones literally colluding with Comrade Brezhnev to pump out pro-communist pro-Russia disinformation.
Jay Nordlinger at National Review is doing a interview series with Bukovsky.
Here is Part 1: ‘Not Suitable for Recruiting’: A Talk with Vladimir Bukovsky, Part I
“Have people said to you over the years, ‘Thank you for doing what I should have and could not, or did not’?” I put this question to Bukovsky. “There were people like that,” he answers. “But there were more people who thought that. I could see that message in their eyes. But they would not say it openly.”
And “I would not mind,” says Bukovsky.
“When you live in a totalitarian country, you learn not to be judgmental. You learn to be very cautious in your judgments because you know that people sometimes find themselves in hopeless situations.”
• Bukovsky spent twelve years in the Gulag: prisons, labor camps, and sadistic psychiatric hospitals. I ask him, “Did you ever think you would not survive?” “Oh, yeah,” he says. “It was the dominant idea.” He thought they would kill him. “Most of my friends never expected to live to the age of 30. We all thought it was a given. It was just luck that I survived. Most of my friends were killed.”
• Early in 1977, shortly after Inauguration Day, Bukovsky met with the new American president, Jimmy Carter. What did he think? “Naive,” he says, in a word. He found President Carter naive, and uncomprehending. “He was just a blank.”Bukovsky further says he has “a funny story” to tell me. “Before I went to see Carter, I went to see Solzhenitsyn in Vermont.” He was with his fellow dissident and fellow exile, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, for three days, “talking almost non-stop.” Solzhenitsyn asked Bukovsky to call him after the meeting with Carter, to tell him how it went.
“So, I called him. The first thing he asked was, ‘How long was the meeting?’ I told him I was with the president for 40, 45 minutes. ‘Forty-five minutes!’ Solzhenitsyn said. ‘You should not have gone for so short a meeting. You should have refused.’”
What the great man, Solzhenitsyn, did not know is that 45 minutes is an eternity of a president’s time. Very few people — and even fewer private citizens — and even fewer foreign private citizens — get 45 minutes of a president’s time.
Solzhenitsyn could not understand this, says Bukovsky. “His idea was that Carter and I should go somewhere in the countryside, sit down, and talk half the night as Russians do, with a bottle of vodka, and then we would understand each other.”
I look forward to part 2.
Audrey Russo of REELTalk Radio did a radio interview with Bukovsky, which can be followed via the link.
There will likely be additional coverage, which I will return to in about a week.
Bukovsky Center is the main group to watch: twitter feed @BukovskyCenter, facebook group.
Some tweets on the book launch:
Judgment in Moscow: Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity: Vladimir Bukovsky, With foreword by me https://t.co/lP3MjAEmhl
— Edward Lucas (@edwardlucas) May 14, 2019
Vladimir Bukovsky, the legendary Soviet dissident, has a great deal to say and to share. I recently talked with him and begin a series today. https://t.co/80PjX4cyGm
— Jay Nordlinger (@jaynordlinger) May 13, 2019
Thanks to
aknight613</a> for the great blurb quote for Bukovsky's Judgment in Moscow. <a href="https://t.co/PbEKVkgZ9L">pic.twitter.com/PbEKVkgZ9L</a></p>— Bukovsky Center (
BukovskyCenter) April 13, 2019
"If you have the guts to keep killing people for long enough, then you are no longer a terrorist but a statesman and Nobel Peace Prize winner. This will not remain unnoticed by Hamas."
— Jack Jolis (@JackJolis) March 13, 2019
(being "ironic", in his never-published in English "Judgment In Moscow")
- July 2016: Please Help Vladimir Bukovsky: Russian Freedom Fighter
- October 2016: Please Help Claire Berlinski Cover Bukovsky
- December 2016: Vladimir Bukovsky Makes the New York Times
- January 2017: Never Forget: Thoughts on To Build A Castle – a Dissident Memoir by Vladimir Bukovsky
- March 2017: To Build a Castle: Still Relevant Story of a Fighter for Freedom
- July 2017: Updates on Vladimir Bukovsky and Yuri Dmitriev
- March 2019: Judgment in Moscow: Story about the Trial for Truth that Didn’t Take Place
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