STUMP » Articles » Taxing Tuesday: Do It Yourself Tax Migration Stats » 4 February 2020, 22:42

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Taxing Tuesday: Do It Yourself Tax Migration Stats  


4 February 2020, 22:42

People have been writing about people moving due to tax rates.

So here’s U.S. Population Migration Data, from the IRS, data years 2011-2018.

It can be state-to-state, or county-to-county.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader.

Some of the coverage on tax-driven migration:

From that last one:

Four of the 15 states with high net outmigration in 2018 were states impacted significantly by energy market developments, following on the heels of a significant drop in oil prices. So, for the purposes of comparing these two groups of states, Wyoming, Louisiana, North Dakota and West Virginia are considered special cases and excluded from the “high outmigration” states.

What characterizes the high inmigration states? How do they differ from the high outmigration states?

In a review of a variety of economic, demographic and financial factors for these 26 states, five factors stand out for how different inmigration states are from outmigration states.

1. WalletHub’s Tax Burden
2. Cato Institute Freedom Ranking
3. Balanced Budget Frequency
4. Lawyers per 10,000 Residents
5. Truth in Accounting’s Taxpayer Burden

“Lawyer density” is an amusing metric.

Plus one more, that I have to look forward to:

Lawmakers want to know why people are leaving New York state

ALBANY, N.Y. (WHEC) — Two state lawmakers want to find out why people are leaving New York faster than almost any other state in the country.

The latest census numbers show New York’s population dropped by 77,000 between 2018 and last year.

According to the Empire Center for Public Policy, 1.4 million people have left New York since 2010. The report shows the majority of people who left moved to Florida, Texas, California, and Pennsylvania.

Republican Sen. Jim Tedisco and Democratic Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, who chairs the Commission on Rural Resources, say they will put a questionnaire online and hold roundtable meetings across the state to get to the bottom of this trend before the Empire State becomes the “Empty State.”

Of course, we have a lot of people to go through before the state is completely empty.

I will let y’all know if I get the survey.


So, my excuse is that this is a hobby, I don’t get paid for it, and I just went with Excel defaults.

But if that’s my excuse, why is a site called Visual Capitalist so known for shitty visualizations?

And let me be clear what I mean by this — it’s not that it’s ugly. It’s that I can’t do much with it.

The page I’m linking to is titled “Visualizing Unequal State Tax Burdens Across America”, and it’s very easy for me to critique the specific bitchery (such as, no: really rich folks don’t actually buy a lot more than other people… so their sales taxes don’t amount to as much compared to their income. Indeed, one way they get richer is by spending less than their incomes.)

Here is an easy bitch:

The data reflects the effect of tax changes enacted through September 10, 2018, using 2015 income levels (the latest year for available, detailed income data). Both single and married tax filers are included, while elderly taxpayers, dependent filers, and those with negative incomes are excluded.

Elderly taxpayers are excluded? Now why would that be, hmmmmm? [I have an idea]

Anyway, this is an ugly-ass visualization:

Can you even tell the color changes?

This is absurd.


I’m sure there are other stories, but I’m too tired to do more.


Or, ya know, they could remove the Obamacare requirement that they have to provide coverage.

Jeez, this dumbass thing is still going on.

[I seriously do not get what’s going on here, but whatever. I’m sure Bezos pays plenty in personal income taxes.]

That sounds iffy to me.

Yes, dumbass. The federal government has been collecting far more tax from individuals (if you include FICA, definitely, if you don’t… still, it’s mostly personal income taxes) than corporations, even when the corporate tax rate was 35%.

That looks pretty good to me — compared to San Francisco, at any rate.

Yeah, I know the feeling. I’m pleasantly surprised when it comes faster than the 3 weeks I expect.

Yeah, that time of year.

I have all my docs…. I have just filled in my name so far. I am not looking forward to doing the taxes, because it generally makes me angry.


I find this very suspicious.

I hear, ya, man, I hear ya.


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