STUMP » Articles » Friday Trumpery: Let's Go Shopping! » 17 February 2017, 04:09

Where Stu & MP spout off about everything.

Friday Trumpery: Let's Go Shopping!  


17 February 2017, 04:09

This post is going to be a little… different.

But before I start, I’m glad I got the Puzder post out last week… because Puzder is out for Labor. I guess I may get another bite at the Labor thing later.

I have noticed various “open-minded” groups wanting Ivanka Trump’s fashion lines to be dropped by various retail outlets. I know Nordstrom dropped, as did Sears and somebody else I’m too lazy to look up. You can tell how much I care.

Some are bitching that Amazon is still carrying her stuff, but I doubt Bezos much cares. He has no interest in having people needing to go outside his megamart to buy stuff.

Then I looked at Ivanka’s line at Amazon and…



I wouldn’t buy a single piece of this stuff. Not the clothes, not anything. There are lots of shoes in her collection, and… nope. Couldn’t find a single shoe I would wear, much less pay money for.

First off, it’s definitely for somebody with a style different from mine. I go more for the “fat, middle-aged nerdy lady” styles, and I’m not seeing myself in any of this, even if there are sizes I could theoretically fit in.

So what would I buy? I’m so glad you asked!


Before I lose all the men on this post, here are a couple items I highly recommend that you may also be interested in. It’s my main bag — a SwissGear backpack for the two laptops (one ThinkPad, one Macbook Pro) I lug around:

Also, this RFID-opaque wallet:

I have a bright aqua one of these, because I have way too many things that are black. It’s also why my tablet cases are neon orange and lime green, respectively. I try to get brightly colored things so I don’t lose them.

(It doesn’t work. But that’s okay.)


Ok, gentlemen, you may now scatter. I am about to plug stuff for the ladies.

First, my fave clothes line for work: M.M. LaFleur. Yes, it’s expensive, but it is well-made, they have pieces that work well together, and it’s a great base wardrobe. I have only a few pieces from them so far, but I’m building it up. They are known for their dresses, but I do not wear dresses to work (that’s not my thing.) They’ve got some really neat pants – the way the Nakamura pant fits (and closes — in the pocket!) even works for a fat lady like me.

The tops are also nice, with the Deneuve being my fave.

The main downside to the MM LaFleur line is that they do the clothes in batches, so one often has to preorder or wait for notification that something is available. (And yes, it’s expensive.)

As for shoes — I love Earth Shoes!

Yes, I had the hippie version of Earth Shoes for many years, but they turned themselves into some comfortable stylish shoes between when I bought the hippie version about a decade ago and then went looking for some more a couple years back. I mourn the hippie shoe loss, but the new shoes are really quite comfy. Okay, that’s a spin-off line called Earth Origins, but the Earth line has fancied itself up quite a bit as well.

Of course, since they’re going for more “stylish” shoes, the ones I bought a year or two ago are no longer there. I hate that. But then, the styles aren’t that different. For work, because I have short legs for a short woman, I like to have a little heel to my shoes so I don’t need to have all my pants hemmed:

But for casual, I like no heel.

I’m all about the comfy.


Anyway, I am not much for either clothes or shoe shopping. You can tell, because I’m talking about shoes I bought a year or two ago, as opposed to ones I bought last month.

So, best wishes to Ivanka and her business, but I can’t say I recommend her wares, as that’s not my sort of thing. Also, I don’t pick my clothes and accessories based on politics. That’s just silly.

There’s a Trump wine? Yeah, I’m gonna stick to my Villa Jolanda Prosecco and Bota Box wines.

Seriously, none of this Trump merchandise appeals to me. I don’t feel driven to buy any of this, or boycott something-or-other I never bought to begin with. Just let me enjoy my shopping!

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