STUMP » Articles » Nevada: A Compilation » 2 January 2000, 08:00

Where Stu & MP spout off about everything.

Nevada: A Compilation  


2 January 2000, 08:00

Posts are ordered chronologically within a theme.


29 July 2015: Public Pensions Earnings Season: How are the Assets Doing?

A look at public pension returns — Nevada came in at a little above 4%.

28 February 2017: Introducing this Week’s State Pensions Example: Nevada

A set up by grabbing articles from the past year on Nevada pensions. Nevada’s funding ratio may not look that bad, but it’s in a very bad position when you compare its liability/funding needs against state tax revenue.

11 March 2017: Nevada Pensions: Asset Trends

After one of my longest (two) weeks, I get to the asset performance for the Nevada pensions. They do pretty well, considering. Any pension trouble is not really on the asset management side.

11 March 2017: Nevada Pensions: Liability Trends

Here is where the trouble is. The valuation assumptions are such that the pension contribution rate continues to increase – they assume the payroll grows far faster than it really does.


None yet.

The State of the States: a Compilation

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