Mornings with Meep: On Seeking Truth and Not Lying
by meep
Here’s this week’s morning with meep:
If the above doesn’t work for you, here’s a direct link to the video on Youtube.
Elizabeth Bauer on Pre-Funding Pensions:
Why Public Pension Pre-Funding Matters (An Explainer)
Jane the Actuary site:
Jane the Actuary on Patheos (Patheos is a religious website)
Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life book
My review on my first reading of the Peterson book:
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this book… and it wasn’t quite this. I came in thinking it’s about that list of 12 items, but it’s really not.
I’m going to have to think about this one a bit — what I really got out of this book were questions, rather than any answers. But this is a good thing to have in middle age. One can feel like you’ve asked the questions already, but nope. There’s still more. There’s always more.
I think this would be a great book for a discussion group – you could do a chapter a month. And you would never know where the specific conversation would lead… because the chapters themselves are like that.
It is still a very strange book. Somebody convinced me to read Nietzsche after I commented on the book, and I just got The Portable Nietzsche on kindle so I can take notes as I read.
Last week’s links:
- Memory Monday: Fifth Week of March 1918 – BUY BONDS BUY BONDS BUY BONDS
- Taxing Tuesday: Idea for Progressive Income Tax in Illinois; Adding Dependents to Tax Change Analysis
- Kentucky Meltdown: Teachers in Revolt, Bill in the Sewers, and Nothing Actually Solved
- Divestment and Activist Investing Follies: Shooting Yourself in the Foot?
- Around the Pension-o-Sphere: Actuarysplaining, Yay for Nebraska, State-Run Private Pensions, and Puerto Rico
- Vindication: Yuri Dmitriev Acquitted
Phew. What a week.
Enjoy some Depeche Mode:
Okay, that one was relatively recent, where you can see they’re all middle-aged.
How about a reaaaally old one from them, when they looked like babies
See y’all later!
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