by meep
As noted, the Actuarial Outpost is likely going to be gone soon (at least in a useful form), and having gotten more firm information, it looks like I will have to move my “watch” behavior to this blog for the nonce while I try to build a place...
by meep
I noticed a bunch of people signed up for my substack recently (It’s free! Yes, you can pay, but you don’t have to. The only difference is paying subscribers can leave comments.), and, given the “end of summer” in the week before Labor Day, I thought I’d revisit some...
by meep
The following originally ran in November 2014: Public Pensions: What’s so Bad about 80%? (and coming attractions). This is an edited version [I updated a few links and did text clean up]/
I have gotten a few responses to my opening of the 80%...
by meep
I just checked, and my last 80% funding myth post was in June 2019, and that wasn’t really a “real” post of that category. Heck, I never had a “real” 80% funding myth post last year [And, I am actually building this post on one I started in 14...
by meep
This piece was brought to my attention:
Not All Cities Have A Pension Problem
The Top 21% of Cities With High Pension Funding Levels Deserve Attention and Usually Praise
With so much well-deserved negative attention focused on cities with huge unfunded pension overhangs, it’s probably a good time to draw attention...
by meep
Yes, my blogging has been lighter of late (lots of real life stuff for me to do, including grading actuarial exams), but there has been a lot of pension-related activity, and especially public pensions. I may not blog it here, but I sure do update my watch threads at by meep
I knew you’d get there eventually, y’all! I saw it both in the WSJ and Pensions&Investment news, and the WSJ piece is somewhat reasonable…. but the P&I bit is something else. WALL STREET JOURNAL COVERAGE: JUST THE FACTS, MA’AM I first saw it on... by meep
Ugh. What a year. I’m beat. It also doesn’t help that I just slogged through the end of War and Peace (because I had to get it done by 6am this morning when the audiobook was going poof). One of the things that was a positive for 2018 is that... by meep
No, I hadn’t been posting about the 80 percent funding hall of shame lately, but I have been updating my records. Let’s see what I have through the first half of 2018! THE STATS Before I give you the new (and repeat) entrants, let’s check the numbers! It’s been... by meep
Others Notice That A Long Bull Market Hasn't Improved Public Pension Fundedness
Bye Bye 2018 - And the 80 Percent Funding Myth Persists
At the Half: Updating the 80 Percent Funding Hall of Shame
Mornings with Meep: On Seeking Truth and Not Lying
Additional: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If I remember to link them.