STUMP » Articles » Puerto Rico: A Compilation » 4 January 2000, 15:00

Where Stu & MP spout off about everything.

Puerto Rico: A Compilation  


4 January 2000, 15:00

Posts are ordered chronologically within a theme.


26 February 2016: Puerto Rico Round-Up: Pensions Before Bonds?
Looks like full pension payments are being made, even while bond payments aren’t.


29 June 2015: Things Fall Apart: Greece and Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico saying it can’t meet interest payments on its debt. This is going to be a theme.

30 June 2015: Public Finance Disaster Watch: Greece and Puerto Rico Lunchtime Roundup
Public finance grenade goes off. No federal bailout forthcoming.

2 July 2015: Digging into the Near Past: Puerto Rico’s Finances
Reaching back to 2010 to stories about Puerto Rico’s shaky finances.

4 August 2015: Puerto Rico Finally Defaults — Now What?
Puerto Rico defaults on some bond payments. The end of the beginning?

22 December 2015: Puerto Rico update: Temporary Respite, Again
Some sort of deal being worked out over Puerto Rico bonds, but it’s only a small portion of their debt.

8 January 2016: Puerto Rico: After the Default
Puerto Rico playing for time after they decided not to make certain bond payments. Lawsuits ensue.

20 January 2016: Puerto Rico: Dawning Reality Update… and a touch of Chicago
People are catching onto the fact that Puerto Rico is de facto bankrupt, and there are different bankruptcy options considered in terms of legal/political process.

15 February 2016: Puerto Rico Round-up: What’s Going On?
Multiple political players trying to determine what exactly is going on in Puerto Rico’s finances.

19 February 2016: Public Pensions and Finance Round-up: Friday, Feb 19
Puerto Rico on the verge of bankruptcy. Again.

13 April 2016: Puerto Rico Round-Up: Is Bankruptcy a Bailout?
No, it’s not. Thanks for asking.

2 May 2016: Puerto Rico Watch: PR Defaults! Again! Also, a New Jersey Connection
Surprising nobody, Puerto Rico skips bond payments. Again.

10 May 2016: On Dreams of Bankruptcy
On how Puerto Rico got to where it is now. Finance-wise, that is. I do not discuss plate tectonics.

16 May 2016: Public Finance and Pension Quick-Takes: Puerto Rico, Chicago, and Detroit
Puerto Rico relief bills considered in Congress.

9 June 2016: Puerto Rico Round-Up: Waiting for Decisions
A case was before the Supreme Court on Puerto Rico’s debt and defaulting on bonds.

12 June 2016: March of the Deadbeats: Illinois, New Jersey, Kentucky, Puerto Rico and Central States
Still waiting for Congressional bills to pass and SCOTUS ruling to come down on Puerto Rico.

20 June 2016: Puerto Rico Round-Up: Still Waiting on Congress
SCOTUS rules: Congress needs to act on Puerto Rico bankruptcy. Still waiting for Congress to act.

30 July 2016: A Pause for Puerto Rico While the Hits Keep Coming
Congress passed PROMESA. And there’s Zika.

30 April 2017: Catch-Up Week: Puerto Rico on the Brink (again)
I catch up from my last post, to see what’s happened in nearly a year. Some comments on pensions, too.

3 May 2017: Here We Go: Puerto Rico Tries for Legal Federal Bankruptcy
They try for bankruptcy. PROMESA, about a year old, is still limping into implementation.

4 May 2017: More Puerto Rico: Round Up of Current Commentary and Followups
Lawsuits, SCOTUS review, and more.

10 May 2017: “Rights” vs. Reality: When Will “They” Ever Learn?
Will “they” learn from Puerto Rico? Of course not.

16 May 2017: Puerto Rico Round-up: Trying to Determine How Bad It Is
Looking at different dimensions of the impact of Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy.

11 June 2017: Puerto Rico Link Dump: World of Pain
Bankruptcy is painful. It’s intended to be.

8 October 2017: Puerto Rico and the Political Risk of Muni Bonds and Unfunded Pensions
In a post-hurricane visit to Puerto Rico, Trump opens his mouth and the bond market takes a dive. I point out the bondholders were never going to get much.

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